Monday, October 5, 2009
simons last wishes
Thursday, October 1, 2009
simons perspective #2
scared out of my mind
Monday, September 28, 2009
jacks perspective #3
Thursday, September 24, 2009
piggys perspective
simon perspective
Thursday, September 17, 2009
jacks perspective post #2
Fire On The Mountain
Lets Get Off This Island
perspective: Jack
Day two and were still stuck on this island. I shouldn't be complaining because Therese a lot of food well fruit,no meat not yet at least. Its really hot on the other hand therese a huge lagoon that is perfect to swim in and to cool you down after the day. I'm still not sure what that kid with the scar on his eye and he was talking about a "beastie" of some sort i don't believe them. there ll just seeing things. Therese not acutely a bestie. i came up with the beast plan today to maintain a signal fire by using that no good fatty piggy's specks to light the fire. it was his fault that the fire went out of hand and burned half of the beautiful island. I'm still not sure what happened to that boy with the scar on his eye but all I know is that he was in the a area where all the trees burned to the ground. I still think that I'm the one on the island that is the smartest and I'm sure that I will get us off for sure. I have the most survival skills on this island and
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
ralph: entry

Do you think that the island was a great place to get staneded on if you had to be straneded?
yes because we had found the pigs were and there was alot of laggons to bath in, the onlything that i had a problem was with the scorching heat
did the other kids on the island look up to you on the island?
i think so because there not much and and i was just there and I looked old and looked like i new what i was doing and it turned out that i had some really good ideas
do you think that if you could kick someone off the island who would it be?
I'm not sure that Roger kid scares me!
do you think that pushing that rock down the mountine was a good idea?
i dont know but it was really fun and i'm guessing that it wolnt have eny afect on us in the future
where did you come up with the idea with making a fire on the mountine?
well if a ship that was looking for us or a plane flue by i thought it would be a good idea if me made a singnal fire so they could see the smoke.
what did you eat on the island for most of the time?
we ate pigs and pigglets and bark and small incets. i no what your thinking dosnt sound very appleing but you would eat enything when your starving
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
if i was stuck on a island
If I Was Stuck On A Island
If I was stuck on a island and I could only bring three things that were important to me it would be a very hard decision for me because there are thousands of things that I would and could bring, but if I had to limit my choices I would have to bring my ipod as one of my objects. The purpose of this is so that I would have something to do on the island, I know that sounds bad but I get board very easy. You could ask anybody that knows me well and they could tell you that I am a very musical person I am always singing. I don’t think that there is a minute in the day that I’m not listening to music, well not in Ms. G or Mr. T’s class of course. For my second choice of an object that I can bring on a island would be a huge fridge filled with food and clothes because I’m a big boy so I need a lot of food and I always got to look good. Some of the foods that would be in my fridge would consist of salmon because my family eats a lot of fish and seafood. I also would want lots of cheetos, soda, and candy. I’m kind of a fast food addict but I don’t like McDonalds so I have that going for me. I personally think that this is a great idea but if I can’t smuggle the food in pass the airport security. Last and final thing I would bring on a deserted island would be a surfboard. Well if there were some good waves. The significance of bringing a surfboard is to keep me entertained. Surfing is one of my favorite hobbies and I can do it for hours and hours without getting bored. If I had all three things I would be set, after all these reasons I could live there forever.
And those are my objects to keep me alive on an island
If I was stuck on a island and I could only bring three people I would have to say my first person would be Max Haggard in our class. The obvious purpose for this is so he could help in numerous ways such as… building fires, finding wood, and notifying me on what berries our good to eat and which ones would probably make me very sick. My second person would be Mauro from our class. As you may know Mauro and I are good friends and so we could maybe get through the horrible experience together. Another perk is that he is super smart and so along with max he would be very useful. for the last and luckiest person to send a bad day on a island wait did I say day it could be months or even years, wow that sucks anyways I would choose my dad because he is usually really good in bad situations and he may throw in a good thought or too ahah I’m of course just kidding. I love him to death and he would be happy of me to choose him
and that is what I would take/bring to a island