Wednesday, March 10, 2010

tis blog post

Quote #1: Sergeants shouldn't tell you take the laundry to the place like this without telling you what the place is.

Response #1: I really liked this quote because it really mad me think for awhile and after I think it means that you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch because he's saying that you should never assume anything. I've never heard this quote before and I really like it. Its also really cool how he made it seem like there was a higher person such as the "sergeant" and that clicked in my head and I used my previous knowledge that a sergeant is a very high position in the medical industry.

I also liked how the author used something that most people don't like such as the "Laundry." Frank really did a great job comparing things through this whole book. There was another thing that I pointed out, He is implied that he has been through something like this before. You can sort of tell in the way he describes it that he's had someone trick him or deceived him.

Quote #2: After the hospital two good things happened, I was promoted to corporal because of my powerful typing when I turn in supply reports and the reward is in two-weeks.

Response #2: I love that the author made it seem like they thrive on being promoted. I think this is important because they will do anything to be better. Its cool that he also made it seem as though they still have the slightest bit of hope and that could stand for numerous of things such as America today. Past events like when the great depression. Events like this make it clear that even when everything is going really bad that someone still has hope

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

catcher in the rye #2

I wonder why the author...

I wonder why the author made Jane not answer the phone when he finally pushes his worry's aside. He instead called Carl. I personally would have written it so that she picked up but I think he wanted to make Jane more mysterious. I think this was good and bad because it delayed the story but kept me guessing so it was useful in certain ways. I'l also like to point out that he meets up with him later. This was interesting because Carl went to his old school. This was strange because he jumped back into the story and I though that was strange he would make him be the first person he would call. I think that Jane shouldn't have picked up and that is what I would have done.

How does this story remind you of you life...

I think it does because I think that I know what he might be going through because he could feel a little sad because Jane didn't answer and he could feel unselfconscious about his looks and I've been through the same thing and it is sad and very discouraging. I've also called an old friend of mine for advice so that connection is what I think when I thought. There might be another time but i remember called my old friend from third grade.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

#1 tis post

Question #1
page: 28
Said by: Tom ???
quote #1: Its a warm October day and I have nothing else to do but what I'm suppose.
Response #1: I think that this quote really shows that he doesn't really like this place at all. He's obviously board and he didn't like how his life there was. its interesting that he didn't because he's getting job. That would be a good thing at this time and everybody wants a job and make money.

I wonder why he didn't like his job?

Question #2
page: 37
Said by: Eddie Gilligan
Quote #2: There is no place to sit anywhere along the street with landladies peering and watching and there's nothing to do but wander over to a park by the East River and I wonder why America is so hard to recreate your past life.
Response #2: I think its cool how it really shows how they talked back then and its pretty interesting how this author writes. He writes as though its a rant and as you can see the quote that I picked was pretty long and its strange. I think that another reason i really like this quote is that I can really see the time that there living in, even though it wasn't that lang ago it describes. I also think that Eddie knows his way around already and its like he's gotten use to it.

Would you live in this time period?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

post 3#

NAME DATE Luc Charmasson 2/9/10
TITLE TIME HOURS Catcher in the Rye

QUESTION 1:What in the book upsets you or bothers you? Why?

RESPONSE 1: I think that as an author you need to do certain things to catch you audience to make them want to not put down this book. I think this book had a slow start and they need to get it together because I get board quickly and i wanted to stay with this book because I've heard really good things about this book but if you don't have a strong and appealing opening you might just lose your audience, and every writers main task should be to keep your readers reading! I like to write and to me it would be heartbreaking to hear that someone put down my book because of something I could prevent.

QUESTION 2:Make up a motto that one of the characters seems to live by. How and why does this fit the character?

RESPONSE 2 I think if i had to pick a motto for Holden I would make it "I do things my way." I think I would pick this because Holden seems like he is a tough guy and he does what he wants at all times. Holden is a bad boy and he's been kicked out of many of schools as it says in the book. Now a days that kind of things wouldn't fly because schools have cracked down on those types of things. I think he took advantage of that time period and he perfected it. Like I said before he did a good job at connecting to kids

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Post #2 question responce

I would see perfect in my book as Holden's friend. I think we would get along because I'm not into the whole preppy thing and girls and guys that so perfect. I would travail with him to see the Spencer's. We would get along because I think he seems cool. I like how the author describes him exactly like my father when he was growing up. This character really reminds me of him when he was a kid. I think the Holden and I would be Buddy's. He thinks the same way and acts the same way. I've never gotten kicked out of a school though. I think that it's too early to tell for sure but I think I am a lot like him. I just started to read this book and I really like the characters and everything about it.

1st post

NAME DATE 2/2/10

QUESTION 1: Would you read another book by this author?

RESPONSE 1: I would from what I've read so far because I like the plot and style of his writing and how descriptive he is. he writes a lot of story's on good topics. this book in particular is cool because he writes about an outcast. I enjoy his style of writing because he writes about true things. He wrote about how school is not always a good thing and adults try to make school sound good and here he shows that he connects with his childhood. I think that this is good to read because I think that it makes me want to read it more and more.

QUESTION 2: What does this book remind you of?

RESPONSE 2 I think that this reminds me of everyday things. He had a good sense of things and he knew that he could get attention from certain audiences. It was cool that he caught my attention so fast. Ms. G and Ms. Collen though I would like this story a lot.

My New Book 8th Grade

Title: The Catcher In The Rye
Author: J.D. Salinger